A D&D Podcast Where Fantasy and the Real World Collide

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A D&D Double Date

Deanna, Joshua, Kylee, and Torsten (who’s working on his selfie technique)

The four of us met through our work in the arts, activism, and our love of make believe! Torsten and Joshua met in 2014, and began playing dnd on a tour bus across the country. Gradually, our rpg family grew to include Kylee and Deanna. Now, we record our sessions and discussions for you to enjoy!

Yes, we are two couples.

Yes, it’s cute as hell.

Your Review Featured Here!

If you like the show, we’d love to read your thoughts! Everyone tells us it will help the algorithms take us seriously, and I imagine prospective listeners will like to know that someone has listened and enjoyed before them!

This space on the website will be devoted to particularly delightful reviews. We can’t wait to feature yours!

Rating: 5 out of 5.


Loving this DND experience! Excited to continue along this exploration and the journey for the characters and my own concepts of role-playing!


Rating: 5 out of 5.

The importance of intersection in d&d

As someone who is not familiar with d&d I find this podcast really accessible and relatable. The hosts create a space where one can experience and reflect on how each character has a real world human being behind them that is impacted by the challenges and injustices that are experienced in the game, while giving space to debrief and name them as they go. Definitely has got me curious about the world, as a queer Asian woman, and worth the listen.


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